Lesson plans and Assemblies

Lesson Plans and Assemblies

Our lesson plans are designed to meet the requirements of the Hertfordshire syllabus for Religious Education. You can download the lesson plans by clicking on the link below. If you’d like to book our team to deliver a lesson at your school please contact us. Click on the image below to see the various plans.

  • Harvest and Creation
  • The Bible & Bible Stories
  • Rules for Living
  • Life of Jesus
  • Special Places & Practices
  • Christmas
  • Easter
  • Reflection & Prayer Space

Our lessons are grouped by theme 

Harvest & Creation
Key StageTitleLesson PlanLesson MaterialsDuration
Click here to download the PowerPoint for Creation

6 days of creation worksheet

creation extra sheet
1 hour
HarvestClick here for the PP for Harvest

Harvest plate worksheet

Click here to watch The Harvest Samba video
1 hour
Creation and Harvest WST Online
KS1Harvest AssemblyAn assembly learning about Harvest and how we can thank God for our World.Click here to watch12 mins assembly
KS1 OnlineCreation Online VideoCreation Online Lesson PlanClick here to watch15 mins video
plus activity
KS1 OnlineHarvest Online VideoHarvest online Lesson PlanClick here to watch18 mins video
plus activity
The Bible & Bible Stories
Key StageTitleLesson PlanLesson Materials
Lower KS2Psalm 23Psalm 23 LPPsalm 23 PP

Psalm 23 Worksheets
KS1The Lost SheepLost Sheep LPLost Sheep WS
KS1David & GoliathDavid & Goliath LPDavid & Goliath worksheet

David & Goliath PP
1 hour
KS1Daniel in the lion's denDaniel LPDaniel PP

Daniel WS
Other Resources:
Click to read the Daniel Story
Lion colour by numbers
1 hour
The Bible and Bible Stories WST OnlineVideo Lessons
KS1 OnlineThe Lost Sheep OnlineThe Lost Sheep Lesson Plan
Lost Sheep home learning
Click here to watch11 mins video
plus activity
Lower KS2 OnlinePsalm 23 OnlinePsalm 23 Online
Psalm 23 home learning
Click here to watch13 mins video
plus activity
KS2 to go with the lesson on Psalm 23 shown above'The Bible AssemblyA summary about The Bible and what Christians believe about it.
It is compared to an instruction book or manual. It contains some facts and figures and concludes with a quick quiz.
Bible assembly plan
Click here to watch
11 mins assembly
Rules for Living
Key StageTitleLesson PlanLesson MaterialsDuration
UKS2The Ten Commandments Ten commandments 2023Click here to download the PowerPoint for Y5

POSTER Ten Commandments

DRAW Ten Commandments
1 hour
LKS2The Parable of the Good SamaritanKS2 The good samaritanPPTGood_Samaritan1 hour
KS2Rubbish Thoughts
Thinking about what we think and about how our thoughts make us feel. What does the Bible say about this ?Click here to watch9 mins
Rules for Living WST OnlineVideo Lessons
Upper KS2 OnlineThe Ten Commandments
Online Lesson
Ten Commandments Online Lesson PlanClick here to watch 25 mins video
plus activities
Life of Jesus
Lower KS2TitleLesson PlanLesson MaterialsDuration
LKS2The Ten LepersThe Ten LepersClick here for the PP for the lesson

WS Ten Lepers

Ten Sad Men poem
1 hour
LKS2The Good SamaritanThe Good SamaritanClick here for the PP for the lesson

WS Good Samaritan Storyboard
1 hour
LKS2The Lost SonThe Lost SonClick here to down the PP The Lost Son

WS The Lost Son

Group activity Lost Son
1 hour
LKS2ZacchaeusZacchaeusClick here for the PP for the lesson

WS Zacchaeus
1 hour
LKS2The Calming of the StormJesus calms the stormClick here for the PP for the lesson

Jesus Calms The Storm interactive story
1 hour
LKS2The Widows's MiteThe Widow's Mite Click here for the PP for the lesson

WS Widow's Mite
Life of Jesus WST Online
LKS2 OnlineIntroduction To Jesus
Online Lesson
Who is Jesus? Online Lesson PlanClick here to watch12 mins video
LKS2 OnlineThe Ten Lepers
Online lesson
Click here to watch online lesson

Healing of the 10 Men Home Learning Sheet
12 mins video
LKS2 OnlineThe Good Samaritan Online lessonThe Good Samaritan Online Lesson Plan
Click here to watch14 min video
LKS2 Home LessonThe Parable of the Lost Son Home Lessonsee the home learning sheet (to the right)The Prodigal Son Home Learning Sheet
LKS2 Home LessonZacchaeus Home Lessonsee the home learning sheet (to the right)Zacchaeus Home Learning Sheet
Special Places & Practices
Key Stage 1 OnlineTitleLesson PlanLesson MaterialsDuration
Special Places WST OnlineVideo Lesssons
Special Places Videos
Special places - home learning sheet
1. Different Places of Worship Different places of worship Online Lesson PlanClick here to watch5 mins video
2. The External Features of a Churchchurches-external features Online Lesson PlanClick here to watch5 mins video
3. Inside a Church Inside a Church Online Lesson PlanClick here to watch5 mins video
4. Why do people go to Church ?Why Christians go to church? Online Lesson PlanClick here to watch
Church outline worksheet
5 mins video
5. Stained Glass WindowsStained-glass windows Online Lesson PlanClick here to watch
Stained-glass windows template
5 mins video
Year 4 (lower KS2)
Communion OnlineCommunion Online Lesson PlanClick here to watch
Communion Worksheet
10 mins video
plus activity
Key StageTitleLesson PlanLesson Materials
KS1The Christmas StoryY2 ChristmasY2 Christmas PP

KS1 Christmas Story Video


Christmas Storyboard

Stable worksheet

1 hour
LKS2The Gifts of The Wise MenY3 GiftsY3 Gifts PP

Click to watch Jesus and the Wise Men video

Wise men Worksheet
1 hour
UKS2Christmas workshop including the significance of the incarnationY6 WorkshopClick here to download the PowerPoint for Y6

Watch Christmas starts with...

Watch Prophesies/a>

POSTER worksheet
90 minutes
Primary Christingle Lesson
or Assembly
ChristingleClick here for Christingle PP

Christingle WS1
Christingle colouring
30 mins
Christmas WST Online
Advent AssemblyAn assembly exploring the time of AdventClick here to watch11 mins
KS1 OnlineChristmas Story OnlineClick here to watch
CHRISTMAS PP without video

KS1 Christmas Story Video

The Christmas Nativity story

Y2 Christmas worksheet
16 mins video
plus activities
LKS2 OnlineChristingle workshop OnlineClick here to watch
Christingle PP
10 mins video
plus activity
LKS2 OnlineThe Gifts Of the Wise Men OnlineWise men Online lesson planClick here to watch16 mins video
plus activity
UKS2 OnlineChristmas workshop onlineChristmas workshop onlineClick here to watch20 mins video
plus activity
Key StageTitleLesson PlanLesson MaterialsDuration
Pancake Assembly KS1 and KS2Pancake Assembly PP
Nursery and ReceptionPalm SundayClick here for Palm Sunday PP
Year 2Easter StoryY2 Easter

Y2 Easter PP

Y2 Easter worksheet

Y2 Decorate an Easter Egg
1 hour
Year 4The Last SupperY4 Last SupperClick here for Y4 PP

Y4 Keyhole WS

Click here to watch The Miracle Maker clip

1 hour
Y6The significance of salvationEaster workshop LPClick here for the PP for the lesson

T shirt worksheet
90 minutes
Y6Easter Workshop Click here for Y6 EasterClick here for Y6 Easter PP

Lego Easter Story

Click here for T shirt WS

Y6 PP Easter =Relevance of Jesus part 1

Y6 PP Easter =Relevance of Jesus part 2

Y6 PP Easter =Relevance of Jesus part 3

Y6 PP Easter =Relevance of Jesus part 4
Lower KS2PentecostAscension and Pentecost Ascension and Pentecost PowerPoint

Pentecost Video - click to watch
Easter WST Online
Online Assembly
Pancake Day/Lent Online AssemblyClick here to watch
Home Learning sheet Lent -pancake day KS2
Home Learning sheet Lent -pancake day KS1
8 mins assembly
Palm Sunday OnlinePalm Sunday Online Lesson PlanClick here to watch
Palm Sunday worksheet
10 mins video
plus activity
Easter Story OnlineThe Easter Story OnlineEaster Story Online Lesson PlanClick here to watch
Easter worksheet happy-sad moment
11 mins video
plus activity
Lower KS2 OnlineThe Last Supper OnlineThe Last Supper Online Lesson Plan
Click here to watch
Keyhole Worksheet
17 mins video
plus activity
Upper KS2 OnlineHoly Week OnlineHoly Week online Lesson PlanClick here to watch
Events of Holy Week worksheet
16 mins video
plus activities
Upper KS2 OnlineEaster Workshop
Why Easter? Online
Easter workshop online Lesson Plan
Click here to watch
T shirt worksheet
20 mins video
plus activity
Primary OnlineA Surprising Easter AssemblyAn Easter Assembly for all primary children Click here to watch12 mins
Reflection & Prayer Space
Activity Sheet PS activity sheet
EXPLOREClick here to find out moreIntro Lesson

Pre-Recorded Assemblies

Key StageTitleThemeOnline Video AssemblyDuration
KS2Pentecost AssemblyThe Pentecost assembly video is designed to tell the stories of Jesus' Ascension and Pentecost which are celebrated by Christians all over the world at this time of year. An assembly description with follow up suggestions to assist your delivery of this is available here-
Pentecost Assembly - video plan
Click here to watch10 mins
KS2The Bible AssemblyA summary about The Bible and what Christians believe about it.
It is compared to an instruction book or manual. It contains some facts and figures and concludes with a quick quiz.
Click here to watch10 mins
Primary A 'Surprising Easter' AssemblyAn Easter Assembly for all primary children Click here to watch12 mins
PrimaryLove AssemblyAll about St Valentines Day and about how much God loves everyone. Click here to watch5 mins
Primary Pancake AssemblyFind out all about pancake day Click here to watch 8 mins
KS2Rubbish Thoughts AssemblyAn assembly thinking about what we think and about how our thoughts make us feel. What does the Bible say about this ?Click here to watch10 mins
Online Assembly
An assembly thinking about Harvest and how we can thank God for our World Click here to watch 20 mins
PrimaryChristingleExplore the symbolism of a Christingle and seeing Light as a symbol of God's presence Click here to watch10 mins
KS2AdventAn assembly exploring the time of AdventClick here to watch10 mins
Primary New Beginnings At the start of a new school year find out about new beginnings and how to encourage others. Click here to watchClick here to watch9 mins

Its’s Your Move – Summer Term Y6

See our dedicated  page at  It’s your move