The Trust does not receive any statutory funding or support from other agencies; we deliver our lessons and assemblies free to schools and rely entirely on support from individuals and churches across Watford. We are so grateful to all those who give generously every year to enable the work to continue. Thank you!
If you feel able to support our work, either on a one-off basis or a through a regular gift we would love to hear from you.

If you’re a UK taxpayer, gift aid increases the value of your donations by allowing charities to reclaim the basic rate of tax on your gift at no extra cost to you. That’s 25p extra for every £1 you give.
In order for Watford Schools Trust to claim gift aid from HMRC you need to make a gift aid declaration. Your declaration can apply to any qualifying gifts made to us in the last four years as well as all future gifts you make whilst you continue to be a UK tax payer. If you change your name or address, or you no longer pay sufficient tax on your income or capital gains, please inform us.
Ways to Give
Standing order
Regular gifts make a huge difference to our work because they allow us to plan with certainty.
Giving just £5 or £10 a month would enable our work to be sustained and for many more children in Watford to hear about the Christian faith.
Bank transfer
If you’d like to make a one-off gift you can donate to us directly by bank transfer.
Watford Schools Trust
CAF Bank Ltd
Account No. 00001731
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Please include your name as a reference on the payment
Please make cheques payable to Watford Schools Trust and post them to the address below.
Watford Schools Trust,
C/O Joanna Woolcock,
Bushey Baptist Church,
Chalk Hill, Watford, WD19 4BX
Please click on the button to donate online