It’s your move

It’s Your Move  for Year 6

Resources for the Y6 Workshop

It's Your Move Lesson
It's Your Move LP
Joseph Worksheet (2 on a page)

Butterfly Worksheet (4 on page)
WST IYM PowerPoint IYM PowerPoint
Other Resources:
Its Your Move
Student Video
Students Video
WST Psalm 139 videoClick here to watch
WST Check out the story of JosephGod's Story Joseph
Online Y6 Lesson
WST Video LessonClick here to watch
WST Video Lesson planIYM Lesson Plan
Other Resources from Scripture Union
Ask a Secondary School Student Click to play video
How to tie a TieClick to watch the video
Reuben talks about how he survived the move from primary to secondary school.Watch Reuben's Video
Hannah talks about how she survived the move from primary to secondary school.Watch Hannah's Video

More About It’s Your Move

Our popular “It’s Your Move” project runs in the second half of the summer term to help year 6 pupils prepare for their move to secondary school.

As part of the project, pupils are given a great book, also called It’s Your Move, which is often donated by a local church.

The “It’s Your Move” workshops cover an introduction to the book and an opportunity for the children to discuss the changes, challenges and choices they face in their move to secondary school

‘It’s Your Move ‘ workshop video made by WST   (see video and teacher plan above)

If we are unable to take a workshop at your school we have a video lesson.

This video workshop is designed to be an interactive, engaging way for you to explore the transition to secondary school with your students. It contains quizzes, challenges, dilemmas, discussion opportunities and is a great way to introduce them to the It’s Your Move booklet.   It will encourage your students to consider the best way to face the challenges ahead of them.

“It was a wonderful experience when we learned about secondary school: it really helped my nerves” (Year 6 pupil)

“We carried out some interesting activities, discussions, and were given a useful book all  about the changes we are facing” (Year 6 pupil)

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