
Assemblies in School

David and Goliath
Linked to
Anti Bullying Week
Click here for the assembly PP
Pancake Assembly Click here for the Pancake Assembly PP

We alsohave pre recorded assemblies available to watch in school

Key StageTitleThemeOnline Video AssemblyDuration
KS2Pentecost AssemblyThe Pentecost assembly video is designed to tell the stories of Jesus' Ascension and Pentecost which are celebrated by Christians all over the world at this time of year. An assembly description with follow up suggestions to assist your delivery of this is available here-
Pentecost Assembly - video plan
Click here to watch10 mins
KS2The Bible AssemblyA summary about The Bible and what Christians believe about it.
It is compared to an instruction book or manual. It contains some facts and figures and concludes with a quick quiz.
Click here to watch10 mins
Primary A 'Surprising Easter' AssemblyAn Easter Assembly for all primary children Click here to watch12 mins
PrimaryLove AssemblyAll about St Valentines Day and about how much God loves everyone. Click here to watch5 mins
Primary Pancake AssemblyFind out all about pancake day Click here to watch 8 mins
KS2Rubbish Thoughts AssemblyAn assembly thinking about what we think and about how our thoughts make us feel. What does the Bible say about this ?Click here to watch10 mins
Online Assembly
An assembly thinking about Harvest and how we can thank God for our World Click here to watch 20 mins
PrimaryChristingleExplore the symbolism of a Christingle and seeing Light as a symbol of God's presence Click here to watch10 mins
KS2AdventAn assembly exploring the time of AdventClick here to watch10 mins
Primary New Beginnings At the start of a new school year find out about new beginnings and how to encourage others. Click here to watchClick here to watch9 mins

Our school workers are available to take assemblies in your school. We have a wealth of material and can either suggest a topic or you can choose the theme, perhaps something from the current term’s RE syllabus, or to suit a particular occasion.

Our Work